VIP Gala 2023
This year's VIP GALA was completely sold out! The atmosphere was super-charged with the sounds of Ni Dembaya as attendees arrived on the red carpet! At the start of the event, celebrants were ushered in by dancers and drummers in what we call "The Procession of the Village Elders". Following dinner, we partied to the music of 4 The Road Band. What an amazing evening from start to finish!
Join us for the 4th annual Annapolis Juneteenth VIP Gala on Friday, June 21, 2024 at the Doubletree Annapolis, Maryland. This will be a formal event honoring our past and celebrating our culturally rich history. This year's theme is "Difference Makers". We will honor individuals in our community who are improving the lives of our city and county residents. Enjoy the entertainment provided by The 4 the Road Band as we dance the night away!